CONTEXT. We see interview clips on the news or photos in magazines everyday that are used out of context.
This word context becomes even more relevant now that we as a society community and interact on the Internet.
We share very personal pieces of information whether that be on blogs, facebook, twitter, etc. However, context in these virtual spaces doesn't self-identify according to expert Lawrence Lessig.
This idea sort of scares me. How do we ever fully understand all the data that is present on these social networking sites. Will my friends take my status messages or twitter updates out of context, could this possibly hurt my friends... where does the damage end?
Today, our lives are so crazy, we don't really have time to put virtual messages in context anymore. Does that mean there is a lot more mis-communication in our world? Isn't the internet supposed to provide better communication?
We no longer have boundaries. Therefore, I encourage people on social networking sites to be careful about the information they are disseminating about themselves and their personal brand.
The less questionable information we put out there, such as the inside jokes, pictures, etc, the more likely our lives won't be taken out of context online.
We've created a monster!
15 years ago