Friday, February 26, 2010

A Second Chance at Second Life

As many of you know, I created this blog for a social networking & business class I am taking for my MBA. As class winds down, we will be finishing up next week with a virtual class in Second Life.

Sadly, I am no stranger to Second Life, this will be the second class that has required me to use the program. Let's just say, it didn't go well the first time.

Click here to read about my first experience.

I'm going to try and remain open-minded going into my class next week. I often have bad first impressions, so I'm hoping that was the case with Second Life.

The first time I used Second Life we were merely asked to attend an event, as the official assignment. This time around, we will be doing virtual learning.

Virtual worlds as a classroom... 10 years ago that would have never been imaginable. In a previous blog post, I asked if companies would no longer require office space... now I wonder if we even need campuses and universities (sort of like University of Phoenix).

I absolutely loved my undergraduate experience and would never want to replace it with a virtual classroom. Even the face-to-face experience I had in classes with professors made my college experience what it was.

I once again ask, where do we draw the line with new technology?

I think Second Life should be used as learning enhancements rather than a replacement. This type of virtual world isn't for everyone, but I do hope my experience next week will be better that than my previous experience.


  1. I think online technology is best used to provide either experiences that can't be duplicated in the real world or access to those who face financial or physical barriers to traditional education.

    Virtual worlds, so far, don't seem to be the ideal choice for either of these goals. While they may have great entertainment value, there is little point in building classrooms that are poor imitations of a real world experience.

    Enhance lectures with interactive programs and do it in a way that is affordable to all, and you will have real progress.

  2. Great post Blogger on the Run, I totally agree. Virtual learning is definitely not for me. I need the face to face interaction to get the most out of my learning. I would also not want to trade my undergrad experience for all online learning.

    I also agree with the previous comment, that virtual learning should be more of an enhancement, but not the only option.

    I hope that virtual learning never becomes the only option.
