When the Today Show picks up your wedding video and then The Office recreates it --- you know you've made it!
Communication is no longer a one way street. Top down messaging is away of the past. With web 2.0 and social networking, consumers get their voice heard.
Actually, it goes beyond just getting their voice heard, consumers, now get an equal say. Who's in control of the message now?
Jill and Kevin got their message all the way to the NBC executives... controlling the media cycle for a brief moment in time (more time than many companies get with their products).
Companies need to be part of this conversational marketing. They must react to what the consumers want, but at the same time be apart of the message through social networking.
Companies cannot afford to not have a social media strategy, now that anyone can control the message.
Everyone has a voice on the web. Anyone can be a someone.
We've created a monster!
15 years ago